
Formation is aimed at gradually leading beginners to the fullness of life and apostolate which are proper to the institute. To profitably engage in formation on the part of the candidate, the following qualification are required: Physical health, psychological maturity, suitability for service to the poor, a consistently sound Christian life, aptitude, the right intention, and the free will of consecration to God and the Church in the institute’s way of life

Primary responsibility for formation lies with the candidate, in free cooperation with the grace of divine vocation, and under the guidance of director and of other assistants. Formation consists of various stages:

Aspirancy, Postulancy, Novitiate, Simple profession and Solemn profession.

Aspirancy lasts for a minimum period of six months for study and discernment.


Postulancy period last for at least one year for continuous study of candidate and discernment.


Novitiate is a time of probation directed to the purpose of knowing more deeply ones religious vocation and experiencing the institutes way of life and suitability to the community.


After completion of the Novitiate period, profession is made if found suitable. By religious profession we dedicate ourselves to God following Christ to lead an evangelical life in the institute so that our baptismal consecration achieves its effects more fully. Two forms of profession are made in the institute: Simple and Solemn.


Simple profession: This is made after Novitiate. Ongoing formation continues for growth in the knowledge of the mission and works of the institute.


Solemn Profession: This is made after six years of simply profession. The vows are made for a lifetime service to God in the poor.


Missionaries of Holy Trinity of the Poor provides on-going formation, Seminars, workshops and further studies after profession.


We give all the glory to the Father Almighty, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit for our achievements thus far. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. Be assured of our constant prayers for you.